RSVP Artists

Brief: 7PR was asked to launch RSVP Artists, an in house agency introduced by RSVP in order to actively source performing work for their call centre operators, whether that be on TV, on the radio, an advert, treading theatre boards…

Method: We developed a story around how the unique call centre business prides itself on only employing creative freelancers to staff and manage its campaigns. Whilst already offering these actors flexibility to pursue their stage dreams, allowing their talented agents time off at the drop of a hat to attend auditions, castings or to record self-tapes in private rooms at the offices, RSVP would also now be actively finding them work in the performing world. Once the staff completed an induction, they would be given access to representation by RSVP Artists, and represented in exactly the same way as they would be with any other commercial agency, with a named agent responsible for supporting each artist in their chosen career. Yet another benefit of working at RSVP, including reduced costs for head shots, reduced hairdressing and beauty treatments, free rehearsal spaces etc. As a company run by actors for actors, it made perfect sense to offer its employees an in-house agency. The world of TV, radio, film and theatre could have their pick of hugely talented creatives, including actors, dancers, and singers. The range of experience varied from actors who had recently graduated from drama school right through to seasoned professionals who have worked in TV, film and radio.

Results: Client was very happy with media coverage in regional, stage and trade press.

Endorsements: See RSVP case study

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